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Additional Information for Day Trips, Charters & Cruises

This information is in addition to our General Terms & Conditions. For more information about RYA Courses please click here


Day Sails/Taster Days: please bring your own packed lunch. Tea/coffee will be available on board.

Exclusive Charters: we will confirm prior to your charter whether it is inclusive of a light lunch provided by us (e.g. cold meats & cheeses), or whether you have opted to bring your own picnic. Either way, tea, coffee and water will be available. If you are unsure, please contact us

Overnight Trips: unless otherwise agreed, we will provide breakfast and light lunch (see above). Evening meals can be enjoyed at a pub/restaurant close to where we moor, or alternatively we can eat dinner on the boat – we can arrange this prior to the commencement of your charter, and all we will ask is for you to cover the cost of additional food and share in the domestic duties.


Sailing is an activity which requires you to have your wits about you, so drinking whilst underway is best avoided. A lunchtime beer or glass of wine is perfectly ok, and once we are safely moored up for the evening it is up to you. Please bring any alcohol or other special drinks along with you.

Participation in Sailing Activities – Day Trips and Charters

It’s entirely up to you, but you will get much more enjoyment out of your day if you are prepared to play a part in the running of the vessel – helming, sail trimming, mooring etc!

Things You Will Need To Wear/Bring With You

For day trips: Sun block, sun glasses, non-marking soft soled shoes or sailing boots/shoes, hat/cap, several layers of warm clothing, waterproofs. A water bottle (we will provide filtered water). Your preferred seasickness remedy (please discuss with your pharmacist or doctor).

For overnight trips: All of the above plus a sleeping bag, under-sheet, pillow case, pillows, towel and toiletries (showers are available in most marinas). Change of clothes for going ashore. Passports and EU Health Insurance Card if appropriate.

Is Sailing For Me?

Sailing can be for almost everyone. For those who wish to take an active part in the experience, a reasonable level of fitness and agility is necessary (bear in mind that many people continue to sail well into their seventies or even eighties). However, if you are just along for a relaxing time, the most strenuous part is getting on and off the boat (we can provide steps if needed).

Children are genuinely welcome; obviously age and size will determine their level of involvement in sailing the yacht, but we will try to get them involved as mush as we can.

Those with mobility difficulties and disabilities are welcome to discuss with our skipper the feasibility of joining a charter trip. He will do his best to accommodate you, always bearing in mind what makes sense from a safety viewpoint.

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