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General Information


For Charters and RYA Courses a 20% deposit is payable on all bookings, and this should be made at the time of booking. The balance of your fee is payable four weeks prior to commencement of your charter/course – we will be back in touch to remind you of this. Where bookings are arranged within the four week period fees are payable immediately in full, and should be made at the time of your booking.

For Day Sails the fee is payable in full at the time of booking. If we have fewer than three people in total booked on a particular Day Sail, we may need to rearrange the trip. If we cannot mutually agree an alternative date, then we will give a full refund.

Details of how to pay are contained within the Booking Form. You can pay by online banking (preferred), Paypal or debit/credit card.

Sailing Vouchers

Our sailing vouchers are valid for one Day Sail, alternatively the voucher value can be used to offset the cost of any of our sailing or shore-based activities during the period of validity shown on the voucher. The voucher can be redeemed only by the recipient shown. If the voucher cannot be used for any reason we will refund its value to the purchaser only, less a discretionary administration fee of £15. If we are unable to deliver services to the value of the voucher for any reason we will refund its value to the purchaser only.


We reserve the right to cancel for any reason, including adverse weather forecasts, mechanical failure or any other circumstance beyond our control. If we have to cancel, we will make every effort to agree alternative dates with you, or failing this we will refund the fee in full. We cannot accept liability for any associated costs that you may have incurred in relation to the cancellation.
Your deposit may be returned if you cancel more than 4 weeks before start date, less a discretionary £25 administration fee. You may forfeit the full amount if you cancel within the 4 week period.


Neither Suffolk Coast Sailing nor anyone working for us can accept responsibility for any loss damage or injury suffered by any persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course on their activities whilst cruising, training, instructing or otherwise unless such loss or damage was caused by or resulting from negligence.
Most charters will start and finish at Shotley Marina, near Ipswich (unless by prior agreement), but if your charter is forced to terminate at a place or time which is different to that agreed because of weather, mechanical failure or any other factor beyond our control, it will be your responsibility to pay for any additional accommodation or travel costs incurred by your charter party.


Whilst we are 100% committed to keeping you safe and to meeting or exceeding all governing body (RYA and MCA) safety guidelines, you should be aware that sailing is an adventure activity which comes with inherent risks. We cannot be responsible for injury, or for loss/damage to your personal property whilst taking part in our courses.

We therefore suggest that you may wish ensure you have  a suitable personal insurance policy to cover cancellations, or any accidents or losses which may occur during your course..

Safety Equipment Provided or Fitted

Life jackets and safety harnesses are available. We require that life-jackets be worn when underway. Our yacht is certified as being compliant with Marine Coastguard Authority Category II requirements, which allow her to operate within 60 miles of safe haven. This also means she carries all of the expected safety equipment such as an 8 man liferaft, flares, lifebuoys, First Aid Kit etc. More information regarding the safety equipment inventory is available on request. Please let us know if you have a child weighing less than 30 kilos as we will need to make special arrangements for life-jackets/flotation devices – this should not be a problem we just need to know so we can make sure everyone has the right safety equipment.

Our lifejackets will fit chest size up to 144 cm, please contact us to discuss if this is unsuitable for you or one of your party.

Cruising Restrictions

Our yacht is certified up to 60 miles from safe haven. In practice this means that charter trips and courses can cover the UK/Irish coastline, plus trips to the near Continent and the Channel Islands.

Number of People/Accommodation

Our yacht is certified to carry a maximum of 8 people, including the skipper. Overnight accommodation is available on board (2 double cabins and 2/3 saloon berths in addition to the skipper’s cabin).

The maximum permitted instructor to student ratio is 1:5, although most of our courses will run with a maximum of 1:4.

Our day trips, charters and courses have minimum required ‘manning’ and/or experience levels to ensure they are safe and viable – if bookings do not reach these levels, or if cancellations reduce numbers below minimum levels, then we will make every effort to rearrange your programme or offer a full refund.

Your Ability to Take Part/Equality

We are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and our aim is to ensure that all present and potential participants are treated fairly and on an equal basis irrespective of gender, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or social status.

By submitting your booking application you are confirming that your physical fitness is adequate for the activity you have selected. If in doubt please contact us to discuss, or speak to your GP. You should inform your skipper/instructor if you are taking regular medications or if you carry emergency medications (e.g. an Epipen) – in the event of an emergency this information will be passed onto the emergency responders. If you have mobility issues or other disabilities and are unsure if whether your preferred activity is suitable/accessible for you, please contact us  to discuss. All such discussions will be held in the strictest confidence.

You are also confirming that you accept that sailing has inherent risks with an increased risk of injury compared to other activities.

Our lifejackets will fit chest size up to 144 cm, please contact us to discuss if this is unsuitable for you or any of your party.

Young People

There is no strict minimum age for sailing, and we are very keen to share our love of sailing with people of all ages. In our experience children from around 4-5 can enjoy time on a yacht. Those aged 8-10 years can achieve Start Yachting, and from 10-12 years they can achieve Competent Crew. The minimum age for Day Skipper practical is 16.

This obviously depends on the individual child, and parents/guardians are very welcome to contact us to discuss this.

In practice, we can only accept bookings for young persons under the age of 18 if they are accompanied by an adult, who must accept responsibility for their welfare and conduct at all times.

Safeguarding – Young People and Adults at Risk

Young People – Policy Statement

Suffolk Coast Sailing is committed to safeguarding children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. We recognise that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and that any child, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual or gender identity or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

Suffolk Coast Sailing takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children taking part in its events and activities.

Adults at Risk – Policy Statement

Suffolk Coast Sailing is committed to safeguarding adults at risk taking part in its activities from physical, sexual, psychological, financial or discriminatory abuse or neglect. We recognise that everyone, irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage or civil partnership or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

Suffolk Coast Sailing takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe environment to adults at risk participating in its activities. All participants will be treated with dignity and respect.


Safeguarding – Designated Person

Suffolk Coast Sailing’s designated person to report or discuss concerns is Simon Read, 07940016672 or simon@suffolkcoastsailing.co.uk

Safeguarding- RYA designated person

The RYA’s Safeguarding and Equality Manager can be contacted on 023 8060 4104, or E-mail safeguarding@rya.org.uk


General Safety/Common Sense

The instructor/skipper will be in overall charge of the vessel at all times, and all members of the crew are kindly requested/expected to comply with his requests. Children are genuinely welcome at Suffolk Coast Sailing, and our skipper will involve them as much as possible in the running of the yacht.
All we ask from all on board is respect for the yacht, the skipper and other crew members, and, most importantly, the key safety aspects of being aboard.

Own Boat Tuition

Our instructors can be available for tuition on your own boat subject to your agreement to the following in respect of travel, safety equipment and insurance. We stress that the owner (or his/her delegate) remains skipper for the period that the instructor is on board. Our instructor’s decision in respect of the suitability of your vessel for the intended purpose is final.

Own Boat Tuition – Equipment

Anchor/appropriate chain and/or warp
Bilge pump (manual)
Day Shapes (Anchor Ball, Motor Sailing Cone)
Flare pack (appropriate for the intended sailing area)
Fire extinguishers and fire blanket
Lifejackets (with harness) plus safety strops
Liferaft (not essential for local sailing)
Horse shoe buoy(s) with light and Dan buoy
Man overboard recovery equipment
Radar reflector
VHF Radio Navigational equipment (Almanac, charts, plotter, dividers and GPS)
First Aid kit
Mooring warps and fenders
Spare fuel
Tool kit
Depth and speed
Engine spars – fuel/oil filters, drive belt, impeller spare oil

Please contact us to discuss if your vessel does not have all of the equipment above

Own Boat Tuition – Insurance

The Owner must notify his Insurance Company that there will be a qualified Instructor onboard who will deliver tuition to the skipper/crew (although the Owner/Owner’s delegate will remain the Skipper at all times). It is also agreed that the Owners Insurance is Fully Comprehensive and covers all aspects of normal marine insurance for the agreed sailing area.

Own Boat Tuition – Instructor Travel/Accomodation

There may be additional charges (over and above the tuition fee) for Own Boat Tuition which takes place away from our base at Shotley Marina. We will agree this with you on a case by case basis.

Online Theory Courses

Online courses are delivered and supported by sailingcoursesonline.co.uk. When you book and make payment, we will register you on their system. You will receive an email with your login details, and they will dispatch your course pack. Any support you require will be delivered by sailingcoursesonline. You can see their Terms & Conditions here

For further important information on Day Sails and Charters click here

For further important information on RYA Courses click here

For further information about our COVID restrictions and procedures click here


We are confident you will have an amazing experience with us whatever activity you choose. However if you find something that is not to your liking please feel free to raise this with your skipper/instructor at the time. If you feel unable to do this, then please contact Simon Read simon@suffolkcoastsailing.co.uk.

For RYA courses you are also free to contact training@rya.org.uk in the event that you do not get a satisfactory response from us.